What a pumpkin!

While we couldn't find a 'pumpkin patch' to take Jake too in central London, we did stop by Covent Garden to take a look at their giant pumpkins on display.
My friend Gretchen conveniently brought along a costume to suit the occasion which the boys took turns posing for pictures in.
We won't be trick or treating but we may celebrate Guy Fawkes Day (or Bonfire Night) which is a more typical celebration here in the UK next week. The holiday is celebrated by building a fire around a homemade effigy of Guy Fawkes, the Catholic perpetrator of the failed plot to blow up Parliament in 1605, and shouting happily as it burns to a crisp. Fireworks are set off adding to the mood, and some people toss effigies of unpopular politicians on the fire for good measure.

Ahh what a little pumpkin, literally!
Jake & Lincoln look like old pals in that last picture! Must be having a good conversation.
Happy Halloween!!!
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