Jet Lagged Baby

Yep - its 12:46am and Jake has been up for the past 2 hours eager to play...I guess I'm making progress...the last 2 nights he was ready for the day around 3am....anyway, I'm going to try again to get him to sleep and then hopefully I will get some too:)
Ohhhh! I totally feel your pain. Just keep the room dark, talk to him in hushed tones and sooner or later (usually later) you'll get some sleep. I've been told it takes one day for each time zone - arg. And I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I've found it is WAY harder to travel with a toddler - especially when it comes to acclimating to a new time zone. The last couple trans-Atlantic flights absolutely wrecked Chase = mom doesn't function well either. Just sleep when he sleeps and eventually you guys will get back on track.
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