Happy Birthday Auntie Jen!
Saturday was a very special day as it was Auntie Jen's birthday! Jake wants to focus on this instead of it being the day that England lost in the rugby world cup.

Before the game showing their support....

Unfortunately the game started at 8pm and the pub wouldn't let Jake in to partake in the festivities, so Jake went to bed smiling and unaware that his team did not win! Daddy was not quite as happy when he came home...

thanks for the bday wishes, my little nephew! you sure look cute with your top teeth showing :)
I can't believe he wasn't allowed to stay for the game. I can just see him cheering with his dada with a pint of milk in front of him. Hey - can you send me your home address? I have an early 1 year b-day gift I'd like to send off. It's best for me to do these things early so I don't forget.
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