Baby Galvin

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lion Gordon

Congratulations Dad on your induction into the Lions Hall of Fame!  

We wish we could have been there at your induction, but we are so very proud of you over here.

Mom, he couldn't have done this without you by his side!

Sissy, thanks for putting together the book and making us all put our thoughts into words:)

Dad, in my eyes, you have just always been a Lion, and I used to think everybody’s Dad was!  Growing up I guess I thought it was more of a men’s night out every week, although I knew there was always some talk of fundraising, just thought it was somewhat secondary, and maybe for some of the men, it was.  The Lions Club in Richmound catered lots of events, and I would picture these men struggling to make potato salad in the hall, just hoping mom and some of the ladies would come over to help.
Little did I know what a driving force you were Dad in making virtually every meeting and fundraising effort a success.  But it wasn’t enough for you to make a difference in your community.  You, more than anyone I know, show us every day what it really means to believe in something bigger than you, and do what you can to help others. You are an inspirational presenter and have never been afraid to try something new and maybe a bit off the wall to get people’s attention (not many people have the guts to moo to an audience!) and by doing so, raise awareness for a worthy cause. 

We usually hear some of the highlights of your Lions trips, but Jake and I tagged along on one of those (very long) drives to Minot, where we got to experience it firsthand. Aside from the yummy potato skins in the Ground Round, the best part for me was to meet some of your Lion friends and see the friendships you and mom have formed through the Lions, which all started by sharing a common passion.  Your colleagues clearly respect and admire the work you have done and continue to do.

Being a role model seems to come easy to you, but I know how hard you work on ‘Lions stuff’ as you like to say.  You hold yourself to a very high standard, and it makes others around you want to do the same.  I think I’m on my 3rd or 4th draft of this little write up, as you have given me advice on how to make stories and tributes sound better. 

We are lucky Jake and Oliver have such a wonderful Papa Gordon to look up to.  They love skyping with you and mom.  They really love all the fun things you do to get their attention already, wearing hats, singing songs such as England Swings, or running upstairs to get something to show them like a flower or muffin or Easter egg with their name on it.

Interview with Jake Galvin;
Andrea – Jake, why is Papa Gordon a special Lion?
Jake - Papa Gordon is a special Lion because he helps people, dogs, anyone, everyone!  Hmm…and Mom, can he help people in London?
Andrea – What do you think?
Jake – Yes!  He can FLY to London and if someone is stuck in the train station, Papa Gordon will fix the train!  Or he will try and help people get off the train safely, not too fast.   The dogs have to walk slowly with the owners, because they have a patch on their eye.  That’s why Papa Gordon is a special Lion!

Ollie – BIG PA-PA!  Roahhhhrrr!

Love you LOUD!
Andrea, Rich, Jake and Oliver

PS - Happy Fathers Day!!!


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