The Original Baby G is 3
Yes...3 years ago, we welcomed Jake into our lives. Thought I'd come up with a few Jake-isms that have kept us entertained. In no particular order...
Love you LOUD! This is still a favourite and has been adopted into all our families when saying goodbye especially on skype.
Everything now is 'what happened?" and if you ask Jake, its 'i don't member...' with a sly grin
He loves singing, and always up for treating us to a song, and baa-baa black sheep could be his first choice...sometimes this leads into medleys:)
J: Can I have some? (wine, beer, etc)
me: No Jake, thats for adults, who's an adult?
J: mommys an adult and daddy's an adult
me: And what are you?
J: I'm a Jake!
before Rich leaves for work in the morning
J: Be careful on your bicycle Daddy!
R: I'm not taking my bicycle today, I'm taking the train
J: Be careful on the train tracks Daddy, so the train doesn't run over you!
R: OK Jake
J: OK Daddy, have a good day!
asking people he meets
J: What's your FULL name?
Answering the phone
J: Hellope?
Living in Britain and his developing english accent and vocabulary
J: I need to do a 'wee' mummy
J: Can we go to the pahk? (park)
J: Tomahto (tomato)
J: Mummy, let's take the lift (elevator)
J: Put it in the rubbish!
His Papa Dordon trapped him btwn his legs and told him the magic word to release the vice was 'rumplesnits'. The other day we were at the park and someone else was playing around and 'trapping' their little girl, and Jake helpfully stated 'rumplesnits!'
I think he is starting to crave the sun like the rest of us over here!!

Playing dress up is a new interest
And just this morning, "I love my baby brother" which is big improvement from a few weeks ago when he said 'mom, baby oliver can go back in your tummy now?'
He comes sneaking into our room in the morning to announce, its 7 o'clock? Then reads the numbers backwards on our clock to confirm. His favourite breakfast is a bagel with peat-nut butter & honey or jam. Or he likes to mix his cereals and have shreddies AND cheerios:)

I may add to this list, as it is by no means complete...or feel free to suggest any to me that you remember that have made you smile:)
Happy Birthday Jake!! Love you LOUD!!!
Be sure to tune in next week, as the joint Jake/Lincoln birthday party is on the weekend....
love you LOUD!!! xoxo
love you LOUD!!! xoxo
Love the update! Anything "original Baby G" says makes my heart smile. PS - It made my day to hear his little voice today!
"Bit Cloud"
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