The 2 year old!
Jake took his birthday seriously this year by celebrating over several days!
It all started last Friday when we stopped in at Daddy's office, and the girls suprised Jake with a very cool birthday cake covered in smarties! I didn't have my camera which is too bad, as we sat around the boardroom table singing happy birthday...Jake sitting at the head of the table, was loving every minute of it! He also loved running up and down the quiet office, yelling in delight, and filling up cup after cup at the water cooler:) Hope we are invited back after that display...
Saturday, Jake was invited to Guilia's party (a girl from nursery) and loved playing outside, queueing every so politely to use the slide, and eating more birthday cake!
Sunday, Jake put on his new oh-eeee (orange) birthday shirt from Auntie Jen and invited his 3 best buddies over for games and yes, more cake! He was a bit shy this time, but managed to eat 3 mini cupcakes all the same! A good time was had by all, and everyone went home played out and happy! Jake got some great presents, puzzles, clothes, trains, but by far his favourite, is his new red GUITAR! (thanks Jonica!) He is playing it every day!
Monday arrived, which was his actual birthday, and I took the day off from work to hang out with the birthday boy. Jake played at rascals (jungle gym/play area), ate an enormous portion of pasta bolognese, then we came home to paint! After some very messy painting, it was time to hose him down in the tub.
Jake also got some very special birthday skype calls from his grandparents and cousins and birthday wishes from all over the world! Thanks everyone, and enjoy the pics!

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