Baby Galvin

Sunday, September 07, 2008

More from the plane

Lots of pics to go through and download, but since the last entry was about the plane, here are some from the return trip. We upgraded to premium as I was guaranteed an empty seat beside me, and it was so worth it! Due to an oversight on my part, (never to happen again!) our return trip had a touch down in Manchester (supposed to be 45 minutes, but was 2 hours...) so Jake entertained himself and others by walking up and down the aisles...

After arriving in London, we then had to wait in the longest line/queue (depending on who is reading this) to get through customs. It was another test, of my patience this time, as I had to hold Jake plus kick 2 bags up and down the line as we waited. Jake was so squirmy and just wanted to be let loose. The second I set him down, he was off, so I had to hang on to him for the entire wait. We were so happy to see Rich waiting at arrivals when we finally got through 2 hours later!

Jake had a good nights sleep and seems to be back on London time, so he really is a great little traveller!

Keep checking in as I have lots of pics to post and people to thank for making our trip home to Canada so fabulous!!


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