Baby Galvin

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

24 hours later...we made it!

I think it must have been some kind of test, and I'd like to think Jake & I passed with flying colors! Short version of the story is that we arrived at Gatwick (London) airport at 8am, and due to several delays (old broken plane?!) our flight departed at 3:45pm. So I now know of 101 ways to entertain a toddler in an airport! Then we had a 8 hour flight ahead of us and thankfully Jake slept for about 3 hours, had no trouble adjusting to Calgary time, and has been busy catching up with friends ever since we landed!

Here is the first pic of many! These are Jake's cousins Hayden and Macarthy Galvin, and the boys had a sleepover together on the weekend. It was really entertaining and pretty sure everyone had a good time:) Thanks Rob & Kelly for taking such great care of us!!


Blogger Schmoo and Beans Mom said...

Love the picture. Poor Jake. Great to see you guys in Calgary!


9:22 PM  

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