Since we have moved, we are now one block from Queens Park, one of Jake's favourites because of the little farm set up for children. We visit every day and he starts to kick and giggle with excitement as we enter. Is it weird that it reminds me of Jester (my dog in Calgary) of how excited he gets when we approach the off leash park? Maybe...but anyway, we have had some sunny blue sky days lately which has made it all that much more fun to visit the animals!
Queens Park

The path to the mini farm...

Checking out the odd looking fluffy white chickens. These chickens were apparently imported from Hampstead Heath (a beautiful wooded area in Northern London). They seem to like their new digs though.

I thought he was looking at the chickens, but it turns out he really just wanted the leaves.

This rooster chose to follow us along the fence thanks to Jake's squeaker shoes! I'm sure you've seen them, but with every step, Jake's shoes squeak...which is cute for awhile, then just annoying. We have removed one of the squeakers, so now its only annoying every other step. (Thanks Uncle Rob & Auntie Kelly:)

I wanna see the squeakers! They sound adorable!! Lucky to have the park so close by! :)
Tell Auntie Jen to come over here and take Kate for a walk and she'll learn all about sqeakers!!
The squeakers are very cute for a short while and then........Hayden only has one squeaker too. The only reason I haven't taken them both out is so that I know where he is! I'm glad we were able to share these wonderful baby gadgets with you.
Auntie Kelly
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